Drops from King Behemoth (~4.5%)
who is pop'd with Savory Shank
which drops from Behemoth (~15%)
which is gained from KS99 Horns of War (100%)
So, expect to kill 23 KB's.
If making your own Savory shanks, 161 Behemoths, and same # of KS99's if not buying any shanks.
let it be put to rest once and for all to all the naysayers, that Treasure Hunter does not affect the drop rate of Defending Ring. there's no need to sit there single wielding a level 1 weapon trying to crank your TH to max. get in, kill it, and if you are lucky you get the D.
Savory Shank will be available to purchase through Repeat Log-in Campaign 11. It will cost 3000 points. Campaign runs from May 10th, 2014 to June 2nd, 2014.