Crappy item? This is underrated. +2 def +15 hp, it's great for valkurm lvs and then some. Vit Rings +2 vit for HQ, = 1 defense point.. this gives HP and DEF. I'd take one of these over stamina ring any day.
every four game hours either "bomb king" ,"doppleganger dio" "doppleganger gog" or a baloon will pop in one of 3 places J-6 I-7 G-7 beware of the dopplegangers if you are low level as they are around level 30 nm's
Nobody said 2 DEF = 4 VIT. 4 VIT gives 2 DEF, simple as that. But the fact that this ring gives 15 HP makes it more valuable than a VIT+2 or even a VIT+3 ring.
I have a feeling Scizor read Albeniz's comment first and Albeniz misread Azul's altogether. He did actually put a - there.
... sorry, I just found it kind of amusing. This is a good ring and all of that stuff.
I dont understand why people always say something like 2 def = 4 vit.
Thats likely true, but the formula of dmg taken consist of vit and def.
And vit is the stat more important than def. So pls dont compare the 2 def with a a vit ring. The only important thing about this ring is the hp+15 and this makes it good for this level!
yeah 2def doesnt = 4 vit
now 4 vit will give 2 def but it also lowers dmg just becuase of the vit. why you think people where 5vit rings over 10 def rings eh
Just as an addition to Azulmagia's post, the +5 resist Vs fire, though small, aids resistance to Bomb Toss a little when fighting the goblins in Valkurm.