For 2 handed weapons it's basically Brutal and Assault. Of the new rare/ex items they aren't as DD oriented. You have the 5 atk/eva one and the 2dex/3acc etc, but as for complete net stats, assault is the 2nd best 2 hander earring. The exceptions would obviously be bushi for sam or abyss for drk's scythe. Great investment for all the jobs who can use it
Oh Seraph, a group of about ten "players" artificially lower the price (150,000-200,000), then buy up all the cheap assault earrings. I believe they do this buy botting the AH. Once they have a good stockpile, they buy/sell to each other until the AH history shows only transactions around 350,000-400,000 gil and they sell them back the regular players at that price.
The same group of RMT are doing the buy/sell crap on Alexander as well. It's also alot more than 10, I have a long running list of 33+: Choos, Sio, Cicioo, Coni, Gleam, Saili, Kelm, Asukaa, Hedeiy, Bukyan, Hanicat, Meecha, Aukanhy, Delant, Dokuo, Komya, Qcandy, Moda, Soily, Jopak, Lunael, Gimo, Wille, Rishiku, Pikorg, Cranch, Nosoram, Amitage, Tensuke, Woltet, Dudley, Airelle, Tsugo.
Either it can anger you, or you can try to beat their bots and play along and make some gil :D
It doesn't even have to be a group of RMT who do that. It could possibly be a LS that wants to make some money of it hence they lower the price to purchase it cheaper and eventually make profit of it. I've noticed several LS attacks on some items, the funny thing is, it even works.
This earring is awesome for 58-70, but at that point I would replace with vampire/fenrir combo - atk+10 day/str+4 night. Put a /clock line into an oft-used macro to remind yourself to change for day/night changes.
The price manipulation scam is happening on Ramuh as well. The same group of characters are also manipulating the prices of several other popular items; it seems they recently added Flame Ring to their list.
I would advise not to "play" like the rmt do as Tej suggested. its a very good way to get banned because its considered "rmt auctionhouse" you might get away with it but best not to risk it