These are also still found off of ozzes, Found in beaudex, I farm all the time.. go for about 20-25k in my server.. GL farming.. Chances are 1/20 with TH4
Fantastic earrings for the likes of NIN, no -attack like most of them. It's no Evasion Earring, but it's not 200k, either. There's not much else you can equip that'll assist you in your tank job other than perhaps Wing Earrings at 35... but these are 29 so why wait until then?
This is complete rubbish! RMT is trying to spike the price just because there are two new jobs. There is no reason for a 120k price jump from one sale to another. Chonci and others are buying out the stock and hording to resell at a higher price. and they are prob double-checking the ah for low marked price listing to buy them out to. This is illeagal and SE needs to correct this and clear the sale history of this blatant violation of conduct.