To Sekundes: I Was only trying to make a simple comparison between two obtainable armor-sets vs. this set.
I never tried to hide the fact i use a swift belt, And i could easily own a Velo if i ever even attempted to get one. You're delusional if you think its any harder than obtaining any other endgame armor. King Arthro is the Easist HNM To camp because he has KNIGHT CRABS that spawn and announce he's about to pop, As With everything in this game it comes down to determination and luck.
But you wouldn't care about that? You're far to concerned with my TP set up, but comments are here to show every side of the item, You could have much simpler stated your opinion rather than douching out and stalking me for some info to post.
So i'll reiterate my old comment:
The Tern set won't beat out your current Melee-Armor set unless you only own a Headlong belt, Its only use would be in a Recast timer build for people who cannot get Velo or cannot equip it. Wait for price drops.
In a set with Tern Cape and Tern Stone... Waste the neck/back/waist slot for 6% haste... I wouldn't, I'd rather go for the 7% haste belt or the 5% one and use the tiercel necklace and spare the back slot from sucking...
The only use I can figure is a minor use in utsusemi swaps for Swift Belt users, but at the price the set is going for, you're better off getting other pieces, yeah? Even if all you have is a swift belt, with the 1% haste necklace 'Tiercel Necklace', you're only missing 1% haste. Also, if you have a 'Fettle Belt' with Haste+5%, then you might as well just get a Tiercel necklace and never speak of the Tern set again. ... I'm speaking for utsusemi swaps, please don't full time the Tiercel necklace.
Relatively easily obtainable armor?
Velocious Belt is relatively easy to obtain?
Need I remind you, Karbuncle that you are wearing a swift belt?
I still agree though that the set isn't worth it for dd purposes, I'd only use it for recasts on spells and even then that's 3 slots for +2% over swift and only 1% if you have a Tiercel.