Just to add a little something to Xhuli's information. Crypt Ghost has 1 place holder which is 1 of the 3 "tomb bats" present in the spawn location. ^^d happy farming.
The drop rate is pretty low, guessing around 5-10% (without TH), Wiki has it at about 15%.
Nonetheless, these are some pretty fabulous soloing pants for the likes of BLU and PUP and such. They're also nice for RNG with the +AGI. And as far as pricing goes, they're really pretty cheap.
Another thing that should be added is that waiting an hour and killing the placeholders will not spawn Crypt Ghost. In order to minimize the re-pop time you have to kill the Tomb Bats a few times as soon as they pop.
im sorry but Azulmagia, the drop rate isnt 5-10% its about 30% and thats saying with TH1, with TH2 i think its about 35%, based on my experience with it