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Comments (18)
Unicorn.Akiyama[Report] Score: 105
It's clearly blurple. Anyone with eyes can see that.
2007-08-27 13:36:49
Hades.Nibe[Report] Score: 37
Best body in the game for warriors beastmaster and dark knights.
2007-05-23 13:20:00
Odin.Leey[Report] Score: 16
best body for WAR DRK BST and only drops in 2 places currently first being Nidhogg a lvl 80? Wyrm in Dragon's Aery and is the King version of Fafnir.

2nd place is Einherjar final chamber where you have to defeat Odin ^^ gl to anyone after it.
2008-05-17 11:34:23
Sylph.Biginallways[Report] Score: 15
Nhahagolah, Bravura war can still tp in adaman hauberk and maintain a six hit with rajas, brutal, rose strap, and white tathlum. Thought you should know.
2010-07-17 15:39:57
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] Score: 12
Miles better than Ares Cuirass. Top body in the game save its HQ for all three jobs listed.
2008-11-29 11:24:03
Siren.Bradchi[Report] Score: 7
A great body piece for all jobs that can use it, armada hauberk is better but extremly difficult/expensive to get.
2009-12-22 10:27:23
Cerberus.Thal[Report] Score: 6
Its color is clearly... adaman. Pretty obvious considering it's in the name. Yes, adaman is a color. Look it up.
2009-11-22 18:31:41
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl[Report] Score: -1
You fools! It's clearly Indigo
2011-10-20 20:32:47
Asura.Naoruru[Report] Score: -2
Adaberk is still a pretty piece, even if the stats have become semi-obsolete. It depends on the person's commitment to how well geared they care to be before cap. We all know that, by 99, there will be something that beats Perle and the others.
2010-11-14 00:40:53
Leviathan.Nhahagolah[Report] Score: -8
Ultramarine. Despite being the general best bodypiece, there are situations where you won't use this for TP (5-hit DRK, Bravura WAR; Aurum cuirass) or WS (Catastrophe: Ares' cuirass). Still a beastly beastly body.
2010-04-06 13:03:55
Screenshots (4)