6 x .75 = 4.5 + 3 = 7.5 for 2 handers Topping +7 Acc(Toreadors/Snipers +1) As well as a possible Crit%+, A very very sexy ring for TP and certain WS(Jin, Raging Rush etc)
hmm better remember that there is no 1/2 acc. It's either 7 or 8 acc for this ring. If your total dex is multiple of 4 with this ring then you get 8, if not, 7.
Depending on how hard/easy these are to get, in terms of meleeaccuracy this ring trumps Sniper's and Woodsman easily:
- No Minus Darkness and DEF (Or eva on Woodsman)
- 1 More acc as the sniper's NQ for 1-handers, whooping 2.5 more for 2-handers
- Additional +crit% thanks to DEX :3
Looks like I finally get to sell the last Sniper's I have left from 2004.... oh well~