With the introduction of the lvl 99 Cure+24 staff, its not a bad idea to downgrade from the HQ version if you have it and pocket the difference. A pretty nice profit whether or not you farmed the Carbites for the upgrade.
"Cure Set:
Teiwaz Reign Grip Bibiki Seashell Selenian Cap Roundel Earring Mamool Ja Earring Aristocrat's Coat Healer's Mitts +1 Medicine Ring Karka Ring Aslan Cape Pythia Sash +1 Tatsumaki Sitagoromo Marduk's Crackows
Interesting how you can only break the 51 Cure with HQ torque."
Interesting how you're already at the 50% cure potency cap with the gear you have listed and would recieve NO bonus from Fylgja Torque(+1).
Or maybe more curing Potency Argettio ^^ lol i would love to get like +2% more with it atleast or mp soo no worries bout swaping from resting to curing sets