Best DD back armor option for PUP.
Great for small man and soloing when using subtle blow gear sets.
Any Other job for TP and most DD reasons should use Atheling Mantle.
Honestly I can't see why this is still over 300k (on this server anyway.) The only job that'd actually use this is PUP since the rest of the jobs listed are on Atheling Mantle. Sure, it only drops in conflux 7... But still.
Between this, Pantin Cape and Boxers Mantle(The only 3 worth-a-damn endgame capes atm) Id much rather have this in a situation where I'am not tanking. If I was tanking I'd be in boxers. Essentially if you can do WOE enough to get one of these, go for it. Itll probably be your best bet for a DD/WS back piece for a while.
You're right about the dates, I hadnt even thought about looking at that to be honest with you.
Also, reason I tell him to brew brew Orthrus, is because his play time is bad compared to our linkshell. Unless he wants to stay up to 3-5am at a chance at the mantle.
Or just use 200k cruor and get it, in about 1hour.