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Comments (10)
Garuda.Littledarc[Report] Score: 16
Will teleport you to your party leader in these areas:
Uleguerand Range / Attohwa Chasm / West Ronfaure / East Ronfaure / La Theine Plateau / Valkurm Dunes / Jugner Forest / Batallia Downs / North Gustaberg / South Gustaberg / Konschtat Highlands / Pashhow Marshlands / Rolanberry Fields / Beaucedine Glacier / Xarcabard / Cape Teriggan / Eastern Altepa Desert / West Sarutabaruta / East Sarutabaruta / Tahrongi Canyon / Buburimu Peninsula / Meriphataud Mountains / Sauromugue Champaign / Yuhtunga Jungle / Yhoator Jungle / Western Altepa Desert / Qufim Island / Behemoth's Dominion / Valley of Sorrows / Southern San d'Oria / Northern San d'Oria / Port San d'Oria / Bastok Mines / Bastok Markets / Port Bastok / Windurst Waters / Windurst Walls / Port Windurst / Windurst Woods / Ru'Lude Gardens / Upper Jeuno / Lower Jeuno / Port Jeuno / Rabao / Selbina / Mhaura / Kazham / Norg
2009-11-14 21:04:15
Bismarck.Danz[Report] Score: 1
this item has done nothing but disapoint. any time iv wanted to save it to save a few min has resulted in the message. party leader being too far or in an area you can use the thing. have yet to come across a time when i was actually able to make use of the item... SE needs to remove all restrictions. and do a check to see if the player has proper access and even allow in sky/sea etc areas.
2018-12-17 18:18:47
Quetzalcoatl.Kyrial[Report] Score: 0
Also would be very useful for the fire fragment part of Zilart Mission 5; could send only one person through Ifrit's Cauldron, then have the others teleport to him.
2009-11-20 05:15:57
Ragnarok.Chimerawizard[Report] Score: -1
Amazing cape for both Jourmungand and Tiamat. all hnmls's keep mules out at tiamat for windows. now everyone can gather in just minutes with the quick teleport to the mule's location. anything in Uleguerand Range is much easier to do since only 1 party member needs to get wherever the party needs to go.
2009-11-20 11:58:37
Odin.Kraytos[Report] Score: -1
@zeroiez wiki and the pol announcement says where it can be used, horalis peak isn't an area :/
2009-11-10 22:49:38
Sylph.Vandalien[Report] Score: -2
I can see a group sending out a few people to check xp areas and just change one to leader and tele to them when they find an open camp. I am dissapointed that you can't teleport to the Aht Urhgan areas, though. >.<'
2009-11-15 04:29:30
Phoenix.Thunders[Report] Score: -2
one of the best things to do with it is fast Gather togheter for:
NM,HNM, ENM (no more pain trying reach areas) or climbing moutains.
2009-11-19 10:40:48
Hades.Konru[Report] Score: -6
Dude this cape saved my @$$ today! haha was climbing mountain for enm and fell near the bottom path. popped this baby and got right back on path :3
2009-11-21 07:28:48
Leviathan.Celestinia Show Score: -11
This would be awsome for getting to camp in valk dunes, how many times do ppl get gob aggro and die otw to camp? lol
2009-11-12 11:41:29
Pandemonium.Zeroiez Show Score: -16
i dont know how it works atm tried to use it to get to pt leader in holarispeak and it wouldn't warp me..so thinking cant use in dungeons?????
2009-11-10 19:40:04
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