Drops in Fort Ghelsba at H-10 (or the very bottom of H-9) off Kegpaunch Doshgnosh (an orcish warmachine). Timed pop, about 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes. I had to kill it 7 or 8 times before it dropped.
Very useful for any job using ranged frequently,especially rng and cor.
Other then this piece, Cor can only achieve "Recycle" from the Paddock Trousers off the ZNM "Iriri Samariri" so is defiantly worth looking into getting if you wanna save some ammo.
It's likely only a 2% proc. This varries by no level, but is very rare. This cape, for its level, is mostly a filler, and a "Once in a while" thing, every shot saved is an extra one, so heck, I'm aiming to get one ^^;
The cape is great in theory, but so far, some basic testing is leading me to believe the recycle effect decays as your level increases. as a level 75 on TW mobs in N. Gusta, Recycle did not proc at all in 99 shots. As a 35THF in the same place on the same mobs, it proced 3 times in 99 shots. So it's either based on level or level difference between you and the mob. Going to test more on EM and up mobs and see how it goes.