Comes from Cruor Prospectors, they're NPC Merchants in Abyssea, costs 4000 Cruor, you usually get 20~2000 a Kill in abyssea (2000 from the NMs there)
For THFs:
This is a wonderful Macro piece for SATA. The haste will allow you to keep up your DoT and the DEX/AGI, obviously, increase your SA/TA Damage.
And it looks nice, i know, from level 1~50 all of our good armor gives us mostly stats like DEX/STR and we're trained to think its the bestest stuff everest. But breaking it down:
DEX+4 Gives you 2 acc. And about 0.2% Critical hit rate on anything worth a damn.
AGI+4 is going to give you another 0.?% on Evasion and parry rate.
At higher levels we need to realize, no matter how annoying it is, that 1% Haste will beat a good portion of stats because of how invaluable it is. There is a Limit to what 1% Haste will beat, but its not 4DEX and 29DEF.
Decent peice to get until the jobs that can wear this obtain a Brisk Mask. I wouldn't mind having this for my RNG if I were making a Snapshot build(a RNG's haste).