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Comments (8)
Fenrir.Banefulsamurai[Report] Score: 24
Available Augments:
Haste +3% "Snapshot" +2%
STR+4 WS Acc+15
DEX+4 Crit Hit Damage +2%
VIT+4 Shield Skill+5
AGI+4 WS damage +2%
INT+4 MAcc+2
MND+4 Cure potency +3%
CHR+4 Waltz ability delay -2
Acc+10 Att+5
R.Acc+10 R.Att+5
Evasion+10 Store TP+4
Magic Accuracy+3 hMP+3
Magic Attack bonus+2 hHP+3
Magic Damage taken -2% Enmity-4
Magic Critical Hit Rate +10% Enmity-4
Fast Cast+3% Blood Pact delay -3
STR+2 Haste+2%
DEX+2 Haste+2%
VIT+2 Haste+2%
AGI+2 Haste+2%
INT+2 Fast Cast +2%
MND+2 Fast Cast +2%
CHR+2 Fast Cast +2%
Acc+3 Pet: Haste+5%
Acc+3 Pet: Critical Hit Rate +3%
Attack+3 Pet: Adds Regen effect
Attack+3 Pet: Damage taken -10%
2009-07-21 11:45:12
Unicorn.Ellimist[Report] Score: 4
The information in Banefulsamurai's post is almost correct, but there is one error. The "Snapshot" is 3%, not 2%.
2009-10-27 14:04:46
Asura.Antaress[Report] Score: 2
Best helm ever for COR physical ws'in.. + 25 acc in 1 slot is so overpowered, and you still get + 4 STR and 5 ratk bonus! (assuming you got STR+4, WS Acc+15, Racc+10, Ratk+5, of course)
2009-09-09 00:47:35
Asura.Endelig[Report] Score: 1
STR+4 WS Acc+15
AGI+4 WS damage +2%

Best RNG head augment?
2009-10-14 11:30:14
Shiva.Apocalus[Report] Score: 1
This headpiece has its uses, mostly as a WS piece for a few ranged jobs. However it truly shines on Beastmaster, as you can put a Magian PDT Axe on your head and throw a good amount of pet haste on there as well.
2012-10-25 04:52:19
Bahamut.Kaioshin[Report] Score: 0
@ Itikuo

for nin if you wanted this to be a WS piece wouldn't eva be useless? All good nin's tp in haste gear and ws in other more potent gear. For me I'll be doing this so it can be used on both cor and nin as ws piece with the following augments

Str+4 ws acc+15
Agi+4 ws dmg +2%

That way both jobs benefit equally.
2010-01-30 01:22:01
Lakshmi.Octavyous[Report] Score: -1
If you're a RNG this headgear would best serve you if you did the STR+4(WS Acc+15) and AGI+4 (WS damage +2%). Reason being is that you are going to want this to be your WS headgear. Nothing so far beats this out for RNG WS's and while yes it would be nice to do the racc+10 and ratt+5, I can't help but to think that if you're wanting something that gives you racc for TP'ing you can definately find something else for that purpose (like Optical Hat, etc.). I just think that why waste a perfect opportunity to augment this piece to perfectly suit those WS's.
2010-05-12 01:06:22
Quetzalcoatl.Itikuo Show Score: -18
MNK: STR+4 WSA+15 Acc+15 atk+5
THF: EVA+10 STP+4 AGI+4 WS dmg+2%
BST: Atk+3 Pet Dmg -10% Pet Add regen
RNG: STR+4 WSAcc+15 Racc+10 ratt+5
NIN: Eva+10 STP+4 Acc+10 atk+5
BLU: Acc+10 atk+5 Macc+3 HMP+3

At least for me that is :P
cor: STR+4 WSAcc+15 Racc+10 ratt+5
PUP: Acc+10 atk+5 pet: Haste+5%
DNc: acc+10 atk+5 chr+4 Waltz+3%
2009-12-26 17:20:53
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