Accuracy can be made up easily through other slots on BLU, yet this is the only body outside Nashira you're going to get a decent chunk of Haste for TP. The Magic Accuracy and Spellcasting time -6% are a Godsend for Head Butt. Naturally this isn't going to be a piece you cast any big Physical or Magical spells in.
Refresh on a body piece is moot inside Abyssea if you have Atmas to accomodate for it. Outside Abyssea, it might be a tossup between this, Morrigan's or AF2 depending on your support.
@Sedlon - No, your assumption is false. Magic Accuracy affects the additional effect of physical spells, such as the stun on Head Butt. While Magic Accuracy swords are a dumb idea, don't knock the usefulness of a Magic Accuracy build for Head Butt.
This isn't a place to argue, it's a place to display information. And next to Mavi Mintan +2 and Nashira Manteel respectively, this is the best TP body for Blue Mage. If not for the Magic Accuracy that is generally excepted to help Head Butt's stun, this piece is great for the Accuracy, CastingTime-%/Haste that we know helps Head Butt.