For any elemental nuker without Novio, this will take its place as a pair with Hecates.
For those with Novio and Hecates, this earring is far from useless. For NMs with high magic eva or very high INT, this earring will slightly beat Hecates.
@Mikumaru- this doesn't "replace" Hecates or Novio. Yes, with the INT and Ele skill, you'll get more general use for this outside Abyssea. If you don't have Novio, Storphadic + Hecates is better than Moldavite + Hecates by a small amount. Obviously Moldavite + Strophadic will be good for those without Hecates.
An ideal earring for Helix spells as well. INT for giving the low base damage a boost, MAB to enhance overall damage by %, and elemental magic skill to help prevent resists.
this offers a good arguement for which to replace , Hecate or Novio . I would use this in place of Hecate personally for the boost in consistency from INT and Skill Vs PewPew from Crit+3% . however i suppose with Witch Sash , Wise grip this may be a viable replacement for Novio . I guess it would depend on your preference at that point.