Actually, it can drop from any one of the four Arch Diabolos NMs in Dynamis - Tavnazia. Nox, Umbra, Somnus, or Letum, though it is random which NM will pop. Requires Fiendish Tome II (14) - (17).
Best TP neck for BLU. "Portus" seems to be a recurring name, along with several other sets of items. I wouldn't be surprised to see them all drop from the new Dreamlands dynamis NMs.
Drops from Diablos Nox, Dyanmis-Tavnazia by trading a Fiendish Tome II(14), Fiendish Tome II (15), Fiendish Tome II (16), and Fiendish Tome II (17). 1/4 Diablos's will pop from trading these 4 tomes. Totally Random which. (Diablos Nox, Diablos Umbra, Diablos Somnus and Diablos Leturn)