BLM head loses out 4 int, gains LOTS of accuracy with Elemental Skill+15, loses to MAB+5, loses to Crit+5%, loses to Conserve MP, wins in fast cast CASTING time, loses to fast cast RECAST time, and flip a coin for set bonus. IMO? BLM AF3+2 can hit the Porter Moogle.
The Bonnet's bonus to Ebullience is tremendous, the only time this cap would come close to the Bonnet is if this cap caused your nuke to crit.
However for non Ebullience nukes, this is top shelf for SCH.
@ kyaaadaa
You should still keep that BLM head handy just in case you need a heavy accuracy boost. 10% fast cast vs -12% casting time is pretty negligible especially when you can reach the cap easily with BLM's "elemental celerity".
If you aren't nuking in this head, you'd better be a WHM!
@Gobs, MAB+5, INT+4, fast cast x% (for recast), conserve MP+5, and magic crit rate +5% more than make up for the small chance that your nuke will do significantly more damage than anticipated to any reasonable person, nevermind whatever the additional boost to INT (and MND, STR, and CHR) ends up being from the set effect.