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Item Sets » id:175988
COR: Ranged Attack set - Gives just the right amount of TP for a 5 Hit (three shots, one QD, and WS TP) Note- You can probably be a little more lenient if you are someone who uses Tactician's roll (I'm usually using Miser & Chaos or Fighter's roll, depending on the VW fight (Which is sadly the only place that I get to use COR))
Item Name AH Price Stock
20000 2
10000 1
100000 1
20000 0
Count: 16 (150000 Gil)
input /equip body "Nvrch. Frac +2";
input /equip ear1 "Volley Earring";
input /equip waist "Oneiros Cest";
input /equip ring1 "Bellona's Ring";
input /equip back "Libeccio Mantle";
input /equip hands "Blood Fng. Gnt.";
input /equip head "Nvrch. Tricorne +2";
input /equip sub "Rose Strap";
input /equip ear2 "Clearview Earring";
input /equip neck "Arctier's Torque";
input /equip ring2 "Rajas Ring";
input /equip range "Armageddon";
input /equip main "Vulcan's Staff";
input /equip legs "Nvrch. Culottes +2";
input /equip back "Tactical Mantle";
input /equip feet "Gules Leggings";
Gearswap Set
sets["COR: Ranged Attack set"] = {
    main="Vulcan's Staff",
    sub="Rose Strap",
    head="Nvrch. Tricorne +2",
    neck="Arctier's Torque",
    ear1="Volley Earring",
    ear2="Clearview Earring",
    body="Nvrch. Frac +2",
    hands="Blood Fng. Gnt.",
    ring1="Bellona's Ring",
    ring2="Rajas Ring",
    back="Tactical Mantle",
    waist="Oneiros Cest",
    legs="Nvrch. Culottes +2",
    feet="Gules Leggings"