Getting A Mythic Is... Annoying...

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getting a mythic is... annoying...
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Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: danz
Posts: 688
By Bismarck.Danz 2019-01-10 11:52:37
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Mythic weapon unlock too much?

i have 3 relic weapons and a emperion.
and have always wanted a mythic. but the sheer amount of BS you
need to go through to get one is just overwhelming.
what i think about the requirements

Aht urgan missions complete (don't need COP/RoZ complete to get relic. so why?) i can live with this.
would could see it being lowered to the point where you gain access to salvage.

nyzul 100 climb. fair. but only ONCE, repeat mythic shouldn't need more climbs. caption rank for assaults. total BS. complete each assault. AGAIN and trade book. absolute total BS
nyzul 10k currency. absolutely fine with this
ironjar 10k currency. fine with this as well
NM killing spree. against or for this. just a headache/time sink at this time.
30k alaxanderite. defiantly ok with this. however i wish salvage was a little less stingy with them.
ZNM items to get BCNM. agan. very time-sinkish. but i can live with. ideally having all the other pre-reqs complete should warrant
just touching the tombstone to get the KI
BCNM defiantly! it basically "teaches" you how to use your newly found soon to be mythic weapon!

if i where to "redo" the process of mythics it would probably go along the lines of

reach aht urgan 17 Guests of the Empire

reach floor 100 nyzul and get runic disk

----repeat mythics start here----

obtain base weapon

talk to naja with weapon equipped to flag quest

earn 10k nyzul points

talk to naja
talk to mouse in nashmau

earn 10k iron jar points

talk to mouse agan
talk to naja

earn 30k alaxandrites

kill NMs or just simply obtain KI for BCNM entery
enter BCNM and win

obtain mythic

anybody else think the process to get a mythic should be simplified?
Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 11:55:18
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Eiryl
By Asura.Eiryl 2019-01-10 11:56:31
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They should just put them in the log in campaign for 500 points

*fully afterglowed

For real though, mythic is a pain in the ***. a bunch of dumb pointless ***that IS really obnoxious. But.. I also would prefer that there was only one mythic, and it would change based on the job you're wearing it for. Piss on doing all that noise more than once. and all that wasted inventory space.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 12:01:56
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I vote we start requiring all 3 nation paths to be rank 10, have the titles for winning all 10 level75 dynamis zones (cities,jeuno,beaucedine,xarcabard,qufim,valkurm,buburimu,and tavnazia), beat Maat naked on RDM with a level cap of 70, have fishing to 110, and successfully climb Parradamo Tor in under 60 seconds to make a Relic.
Posts: 1446
By Chimerawizard 2019-01-10 12:06:09
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Bismarck.Danz said: »
nyzul 10k currency. absolutely fine with this
ironjar 10k currency. fine with this as well
Nyzul Isle:

Purchase a Wyrmseeker Areuhat Copy of Wyrmseeker Areuhat from Zasshal with 150,000 Nyzul Tokens.


Purchase a Balrahn's Eyepatch Balrahn's Eyepatch from Kilusha with 100,000 Ampoules of Therion Ichor.
Either bgwiki isn't up to date or your numbers are off.
Server: Asura
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user: Safiyyah
Posts: 729
By Asura.Sirris 2019-01-10 12:13:55
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The Einherjar time-gating is the worst part, honestly. Like, the Nyzul tokens are a drag and it does take a chunk of time but being able to do only one Ein per IRL hour is trash. I don't even mind the alex anymore, it's the stupid lockout time and the ichor requirement. No one wants that.
Server: Bismarck
Game: FFXI
user: ltantonio
Posts: 889
By Bismarck.Laurelli 2019-01-10 12:15:33
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If you want a mythic just work on it and you'll get it when you get it. There's no rush, but complaining will make it take longer. In the time it took you to write this post, you could have done 3 assaults.
Server: Lakshmi
Game: FFXI
user: Likos
Posts: 25
By Lakshmi.Likos 2019-01-10 12:18:34
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The only thing I thought was excessive was having to redo every assault each time. They could stand to lower the requirement on Nyzul points too since no one does them anymore, except as a Mythic requirement, and lamps can be a pain in the *** with just one or two people.
Posts: 52
By gazzerl 2019-01-10 12:18:37
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its 150,000 NI points just so you know unless i over did it and no i think we should work at it and it shouldn't be a walk in the park to get. the weapons can becomes the best in the game once you have them finished so i totally disagree and we should not be spoon feed ***like most things in this game
Server: Asura
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user: aeonova
Posts: 3113
By Asura.Aeonova 2019-01-10 12:22:44
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Server: Leviathan
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Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 12:33:24
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adjustments made to the mythic path over time (either directly or indirect improvements):

1. Addition of Salvage II. You probably didn't play at ToAU release when the only source of Alexandrite was Salvage I, and the main boss isn't a guaranteed Linen drop like in ver.2. This added innumerable amounts of alex into the markets.

2. Reduction of Salvage timer from one permit per real life day to once per game day.

3. Reduction of Einherjar timer from 72 hours to 20 hours to 1 hour.

4. Adjustment to Nyzul Isle lamps, allowing 1 character to be able to hit even a 5 lamp "same time" within the new time limits.

5. Addition of the Nauls in Abyssea-Tahrongi for Zeni farming.

6. Removal of 3 person requirement for Salvage.

7. Reduction of Assault Tag regeneration from 1 per 24 hours to 1 per 10 minutes.

Mythics HAVE been made easier. quit whining.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 12:34:55
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I'm one of the laziest players in the history of FFXI .. yet I got a mythic. How did I do it?? Did I have a magic button? No. Did I have help? Not much. What did the trick? Persistence. Patience. Motivation. Not setting a time to finish. Making a plan. You must be dedicated, but not to the point you burn yourself out in a week.

Here's my "guide" to making a mythic for the uninspired.

Firstly, it's got to be a weapon you seriously want. Not just because it happens to be the best weapon for your job, but because it looks cool. I know I know .. that sounds kinda shallow. But you got to really want it for more than just its stats, to give you extra motivation. If it happens to be a mythic you don't see often? That's added inspiration as well.


So we got motivation out of the way, what's next??

You may be thinking .. Assaults dammit! I'll never have the patience to work through those. They've got to be so boring right? Wrong. In fact, much like many players who have never done a mythic or even got Captain rank, you'll dread the thought of them. That's til you actually get into them and realize how much effort went into making them different to everything else you've ever experienced in the game. With Rhapsodies key item you can do Assaults back-to-back as many times as you want without waiting.

Get to Captain rank and you'll think .. ok that wasn't too bad actually! I can do that again no problem. I used Thief for all but one Assault. For Lebros Supplies you preferably want something like Corsair, Bard or Summoner, who can give extra movement speed for long periods. It's doable on Thief still .. but chances are you get unlucky and run out of time.

To be continued ..
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-10 12:38:28
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They're still absurdly obnoxious. None of the other ultimate weapons are gated behind this much arbitrary nonsense.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 12:39:20
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Asura.Veikur said: »
They're still absurdly obnoxious. None of the other ultimate weapons are gated behind this much arbitrary nonsense.

They should be.
Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
By Asura.Veikur 2019-01-10 12:40:34
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Veikur said: »
They're still absurdly obnoxious. None of the other ultimate weapons are gated behind this much arbitrary nonsense.

They should be.
Well, until they are, Mythics shouldn't be.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 12:41:41
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Asura.Veikur said: »
Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
Asura.Veikur said: »
They're still absurdly obnoxious. None of the other ultimate weapons are gated behind this much arbitrary nonsense.

They should be.
Well, until they are, Mythics shouldn't be.

By the same logic, I don't want cheeseburgers to make me fat any more. Other foods like celery don't, and they're both foods!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 12:44:15
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.. so you got your Captain rank and assaults done. What's next?

Einherjar. Ugh. Like others above, Einherjar is one of the true annoyances of making a mythic. But it's not difficult in the slightest, it just requires extra time due to having to wait to enter. What can do you do inbetween? Well you can listen to music, read a book, watch TV shows, browse the internet. Find something to do while you wait to enter each time. It may feel like it's taking forever, but you know it's getting done eventually.

For this content I brought my Beastmaster out of retirement so I could round up all the mobs with the Cricket pet and Tegmina Buffet them all in one shot. Of course there's other ways you can do it, you just need a job which can round a lot of mobs and kill them quick without them all hitting you. Do T3 Einherjar for the best points per run. Nothing else is worth doing.

Next up is Nyzul Isle tokens! This was literally the only content I reached out to others for help .. not because I needed help, but because the rate of tokens for solo runs is ABYSMAL! You'll see what I mean if you try it. If you use Windower you can use this little trick called "//fillmode" to make Nyzul a little easier. You want to bring people to this .. but not too many! More people = more people to click lamps = More annoyance.

You preferably want 2-4 players including yourself. The cool thing about it is you learn how to do Nyzul if you didn't do it much before. Climbing to 100 is nothing these days. Much like the other assaults .. it just takes time. Mobs are squishy and the only enemy you face is timing. You must consider leaving every five floors to save your progress. The worst thing is timing out and losing progress. So keep an eye on your time and be smart, because you can always re-enter.

To be continued ..
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 12:46:12
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for einherjar, I alternate salvage/einherjar. Between the time of a)getting lamp, b)running to cave, c)doing the einherjar run, d)warping back to Aht Urghan Whitegate #2, and e)doing a Bhaflau II run, the hour is up and its time to repeat.

Another time saving piece of advice is that during Neo Nyzul Campaign (Nyzul Uncharted), alternate between Einherjar and NNI. You'll get crappier tokens of course, but you can get +2 boxes that can be appraised for T4 Zeni pops or even the Rare/ex drop (like Tinnin's Fang,Sarameya's Hide,etc). So you're essentially doing 2 things at once.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 12:47:59
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Leviathan.Celebrindal said: »
for einherjar, I alternate salvage/einherjar. Between the time of a)getting lamp, b)running to cave, c)doing the einherjar run, d)warping back to Aht Urghan Whitegate #2, and e)doing a Bhaflau II run, the hour is up and its time to repeat.

Before I continue my guide .. this sounds like too much work! Ok, so it's more efficient, but for some players going Einherjar > Salvage > Einherjar > Salvage forever can get annoying. I know because I did the same thing at first .. but I'm lazy so I just ended up doing other things to pass the time between Einherjar runs.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 12:56:16
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Next up is ZNMs. This is something you really want to prepare for in the long term. Luckily for me I did a LOT of Neo Nyzul during the Nyzul campaign. Why is this good? Because Neo Nyzul during a campaign drops a ton of ZNM pops, including the biggies. If you have multiple mules you can send these pops (rare/ex) to them and stock up.

What if you don't have that though? Then I'm afraid you got to learn how to take pictures. This was another annoyance for me, as I sat there in Aby-Tahrongi snapping pics of mini wyrms. Get a wyrm down to low % and take pictures. It's monotonous, but once you got enough you won't need to worry about it again. Just another thing which takes time, but is very easy.

As for the ZNM system itself, your biggest enemy is traveling. You got to have a plan for where you're going when building pops. The NMs are easy! But it's all about getting from A to B. Like I said above, if you do Neo Nyzul during a campaign you can skip out on a lot of this. Make it easier on yourself and farm it.

After doing these you'll get to the Alexandrite stage. I absolutely despised it, and the Beitetsu stage as I'm lazy farmer. But I slowly plugged away .. kept making gil, farmed salvage when I could, and asked around in case anyone would sell me cheap alex. Keeping the motivation to farm gil without spending it on other things is the true enemy. You have to keep your gil as much as possible, and only buy the essentials.

If you can farm up a relic you can do these last two stages. If I can do a mythic .. anyone can. It might seem like a lot, but these days it's not so bad. But for anyone who did it back in the day? You're insane. Anyone who did it back when ya couldn't do assaults/salvage whenever ya wanted are the real troopers. Peace. :)
Posts: 454
By Zeota 2019-01-10 12:58:35
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BLU works exceptionally well for Einherjar and Nyzul. A decent AoE set will help clear out the trash packs in Einherjar.

Just gotta charge through and get it done!
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 13:02:22
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Zeota said: »
BLU works exceptionally well for Einherjar and Nyzul. A decent AoE set will help clear out the trash packs in Einherjar.

Just gotta charge through and get it done!

Absolutely, BLU is naturally great at this. I don't have BLU though, so THF will be an acceptable alternative. THF is better at order lamp floors, so long as you get a temp item for flee + boots with flee. Save flee for these floors also. You can do most order lamp floors solo with //fillmode, but it can take a while depending on luck. Of course you got to number the lamps in your head as you go, and check which ones stay on after all are turned on. Once you figured out the process, it makes Nyzul less frustrating.

--Also if you're using THF, stock up on Magic Attack Bonus gears for Aeolian Edge. It's pretty effective.

At the end of the day, making a mythic is about chipping away. Do too much too soon and you risk burning out. Do too little and you'll wonder why you started. Find the right balance, and don't forget your friends, family, work etc. Lol.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 13:14:01
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I'm not going to lie to you .. when I finished Liberator I didn't want to do another. I really really want Death Penalty and Tupsimati, but going through the process again isn't appealing (for now). But getting one mythic was a blast, and it blows me away how many players avoid doing 'em like the plague.

I see many sporting a million relics/empys/aeonics because you can literally buy them with gil .. where's the challenge? You can't buy mythics, so when I see a player sporting one I have to respect them for enduring. Getting a mythic is something I admire, because it's one of the last true challenges left in the game. A test of patience. A test of dedication. You become a more rounded player having done one. You gain a lot of admiration for those who did mythics in the original way. We're lucky it's not like it used to be ..
Posts: 8972
By SimonSes 2019-01-10 13:23:00
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This thread is basically a cry baby thread.
None here can make anything about those requirements. Do you want someone to say to you "You are right, but dont worry you will make it!"?

I also generally disagree. Those requirements at least make mythic harder to buy with just gils, it takes a little extra to get them and that's good.

Also like someone pointed out its 100 000 einherjar points and 150 000 tokens from nyzul. I cant even imagine how much you will cry when you realize this.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
user: Rairin
Posts: 6052
By Leviathan.Comeatmebro 2019-01-10 13:29:15
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>FFXIV Avatar
>Completely incoherent post that amounts to wishing XI was easier than it already is.

Nothing new here, move along folks.
Server: Cerberus
Game: FFXI
user: Kylos
Posts: 4364
By Cerberus.Kylos 2019-01-10 13:30:36
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SimonSes said: »
This thread is basically a cry baby thread.
None here can make anything about those requirements. Do you want someone to say to you "You are right, but dont worry you will make it!"?

I also generally disagree. Those requirements at least make mythic harder to buy with just gils, it takes a little extra to get them and that's good.

Also like someone pointed out its 100 000 einherjar points and 150 000 tokens from nyzul. I cant even imagine how much you will cry when you realize this.

It's not as bad as people think. You look at these figures and think .. f**k me that's a lot, I'll never do that! But there was a time in our lives we couldn't ride a bike, couldn't swim, or do the 9-times table from memory. You learn and persist through. Mythics only enemy is time. You can't gather up materials for it like a relic or empyrean. You can't merely pay someone off so you can afk while they get an Aeonic for you. There's effort involved .. which is what a lot of players are scared of. Actually doing something productive .. is terrifying. It's not so much crying, as it is being afraid to start something which challenges ones patience to the max.
Posts: 42671
By Jetackuu 2019-01-10 13:32:35
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You're fine with everything but the climbs, captain rank and assaults? Just about the easiest things to do now. Grow up.

Personally I just wish you could enter back to back Einherjar, the hour RL wait is brutal when you have to spam 52 t3 runs.

Also possibly adjust Lebros supplies, Apkallu Seizure and maybe Orihalcum Survey. Possibly boost a bit more Alex too, 150m~ worth of alex for a lot of people is rough, especially since the price comparison to relics has shifted greatly, but it is what it is. Next you'll read him bitching about WS trials, that will be funny.
Server: Leviathan
Game: FFXI
Posts: 3753
By Leviathan.Celebrindal 2019-01-10 13:33:17
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Cerberus.Kylos said: »
SimonSes said: »
This thread is basically a cry baby thread.
None here can make anything about those requirements. Do you want someone to say to you "You are right, but dont worry you will make it!"?

I also generally disagree. Those requirements at least make mythic harder to buy with just gils, it takes a little extra to get them and that's good.

Also like someone pointed out its 100 000 einherjar points and 150 000 tokens from nyzul. I cant even imagine how much you will cry when you realize this.

It's not as bad as people think. You look at these figures and think .. f**k me that's a lot, I'll never do that! But there was a time in our lives we couldn't ride a bike, couldn't swim, or do the 9-times table from memory. You learn and persist through. Mythics only enemy is time. You can't gather up materials for it like a relic or empyrean. You can't merely pay someone off so you can afk while they get an Aeonic for you. There's effort involved .. which is what a lot of players are scared of. Actually doing something productive .. is terrifying. It's not so much crying, as it is being afraid to start something which challenges ones patience to the max.

You're paying to play the game, might as well PLAY it, not merc someone else to play it for you.
Posts: 8797
By Afania 2019-01-10 13:35:11
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If you think it's too much work, then don't get it...simple....

Not the end of the world without one.
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