[dev1071] Job Adjustments: Paladin

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[dev1071] Job Adjustments: Paladin
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Server: Siren
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user: Kalila
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By Siren.Kalilla 2012-01-24 01:54:25
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02-03-2012 05:09 AM
Community Rep

[dev1071] Job Adjustments: Paladin

  • Shield Bash

    • Shield Bash recast time will be reduced from five minutes to three.
    • To preserve balance in light of this change, the Shield Bash Recast merit point enhancement will be adjusted to reduce recast time by six seconds per level, instead of the previous ten.

  • Holy Circle

    • Recast time reduced from ten minutes to five.
      Duration increased from one minute to three.
    • Reduction granted by Holy Circle Recast merit enhancement adjusted from twenty seconds per point to ten.

  • Sepulcher

    • Recast time reduced from ten minutes to five.

[dev1085] Job Adjustments: Paladin Part II

  • Fealty

    • Recast time will be reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
    • Additional merit points will no longer reduce recast time, but instead extend duration by an additional five seconds per point.

  • Chivalry

    • Recast time will be reduced from twenty minutes to ten.
    • Additional merit points will no longer reduce recast time, but instead increase MP recovery by an additional 5% per point.

Server: Cerberus
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user: xSephrinx
Posts: 656
By Cerberus.Sephrin 2012-01-24 01:58:10
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Aw hope you feel better!
Server: Cerberus
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user: xSephrinx
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By Cerberus.Sephrin 2012-01-24 01:59:55
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I knew this was coming since the Lv99 afterglow stuff on Ochain/Aegis.
Server: Bahamut
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user: Mizuharu
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By Bahamut.Mizuharu 2012-01-24 02:47:36
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What Sephrin said...
Cerberus.Sephrin said: »
I knew this was coming since the Lv99 afterglow stuff on Ochain/Aegis.

All I could stare at...
Server: Ragnarok
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By Ragnarok.Nekonarf 2012-01-24 03:02:23
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Skyline
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By Fenrir.Demomo 2012-01-24 03:04:33
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My aegis will now be a dps monster.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Cruxus
Posts: 333
By Cerberus.Cruxus 2012-01-24 03:28:48
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Cerberus.Sephrin said: »
I knew this was coming since the Lv99 afterglow stuff on Ochain/Aegis.

Pretty much same thing I thought when I read this...

Granted any pld that has an ochain/aegis prob has at least an almace if not excalibur, that being said effort towards putting afterglow on shield seems silly to me considering the groupings of each afterglow effect...lol
Server: Asura
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user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2012-01-24 04:18:57
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Epic - every 3 mins half a Provoke's worth of hate. not even a CE boost ....

Does anyone at SE even PLAY Pld any more before they come up with this stuff at dev meetings lol (or they all busy playing War and Mnk too!!)
Server: Cerberus
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user: Cruxus
Posts: 333
By Cerberus.Cruxus 2012-01-24 04:22:38
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Asura.Izilder said: »
Epic - every 3 mins half a Provoke's worth of hate. not even a CE boost ....

Does anyone at SE even PLAY Pld any more before they come up with this stuff at dev meetings lol (or they all busy playing War and Mnk too!!)

They too busy "fixing" XIV
Server: Odin
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user: Almont
Posts: 211
By Odin.Almont 2012-01-24 06:16:54
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Asura.Izilder said: »
Epic - every 3 mins half a Provoke's worth of hate. not even a CE boost .... Does anyone at SE even PLAY Pld any more before they come up with this stuff at dev meetings lol (or they all busy playing War and Mnk too!!)
Server: Bahamut
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user: Krizz
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By Bahamut.Krizz 2012-01-24 06:21:39
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Edit: Seriously though, I welcome the change. They still need to put more effort into PLD, but this is a start.
Server: Odin
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user: Almont
Posts: 211
By Odin.Almont 2012-01-24 06:51:02
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I guess a start is better than nothing, yeah. Sadly what they need to do is just what they won't do: Revamp the stupid threat system in XI. There were some excellent suggestions innnnnnn.... uhh...Anotherthreadonherethatican'trecall. I miss PLD. =/
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Eyrhika
Posts: 764
By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2012-01-24 07:16:53
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I never thought I would hate such an innocent word as "balance" as much as I can. They seem to shoehorn it in to every sentence they can. Well, according to my drinking game I created a few posts ago, theres 2 shots. (one for PLD and one for DRK)
Server: Asura
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user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2012-01-24 07:29:40
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iirc - don't Plds get even less CE back per cure now casting on lvl 99 targets vs lvl 75.

be nice if Pld got a Job trait that increased CE value on cures - that may actually help give Pld a fighting chance without breaking "balance"
Server: Odin
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user: Almont
Posts: 211
By Odin.Almont 2012-01-24 07:42:31
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? Why would a cure that generated a set amount of CE @lv.75 return less CE @lv.99? It's not like you're curing less HP. That said, I also haven't been following the PLD boards so I suppose it's as likely as anything else here.

Izilder's trying to give Eyrhika alcohol poisoning!
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Eyrhika
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By Lakshmi.Eyrhika 2012-01-24 07:51:13
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Screw that, I'll give myself alcohol poisoning.

"In order to balance this un-balanced game, we are adding a new Job Trait "Weapon balance". This new balancing trait will help balance dual-wielder jobs compared to their, currently unbalanced, 2hander jobs. The new item "Balance sword" will be added to further balance "weapon balance". Also, the MHMU has decided to reward all the adventurers out there! Everyone will be receiving in their delivery box, a balance card, a balance coin, a balance stone, a balance jewel, and a balance ring!!!

-SE Dev team"
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2012-01-24 07:53:24
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Server: Asura
Game: FFXI
user: Izildur
Posts: 670
By Asura.Izilder 2012-01-24 07:57:45
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Paladins Beware!!
Server: Phoenix
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user: Urteil89
By Phoenix.Urteil 2012-01-24 08:13:39
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It still crits my *** that Dancer got provoke as a JA instead of Paladin.
Server: Phoenix
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user: neosutra
Posts: 620
By Phoenix.Neosutra 2012-01-24 08:25:02
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I could care less about a voke JA. That's not the problem with the job nor the solution.
By 2012-01-24 08:34:17
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Server: Fenrir
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user: Bogamoga
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By Fenrir.Mtmoogle 2012-01-24 08:41:26
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How is shortening the recast on shield bash going to "unbalance" the game!?
Server: Carbuncle
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user: Kerokun
Posts: 488
By Carbuncle.Kerokun 2012-01-24 08:42:15
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The moment I heard a response say the word "balance," I covered my ears to avoid the sound of QQing.
Server: Carbuncle
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user: blazey
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By Carbuncle.Blazer 2012-01-24 08:42:53
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Woww awesome... sooo cool. so glad we can shield bash every 3 minutes, that'll help sooo much.

Let's not address anything that would actually help the job, lets just worry about the afterglow stuff that isn't out. So when you're doing the new content and after a day or two realize that paladin isn't as useful as a war tank or something, you can tell that fresh new aegis pld in your ls (because everyone these days has one), "at least you can shield bash while playing solo!"
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: BKiddo
By Siren.Mosin 2012-01-24 09:13:49
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wow I'm not even a PLD (or DRK) but doesn't this update seem like 7-8 years too late to anyone else?
Server: Odin
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user: Almont
Posts: 211
By Odin.Almont 2012-01-24 09:20:01
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Carbuncle.Kerokun said:
The moment I heard a response say the word "balance," I covered my ears to avoid the sound of QQing.
Kerokun apparently hearts this update; and is also on acid, as the posts are talking to them!

Still, it may be a running gag around here but it's also funny (and sad at the same time) because it's true: Whenever one of the Community Reps delivers a message from the Dev Team and we see the word 'balance,' we're just waiting for the complementary kick to the face that often accompanies it.

By volkom 2012-01-24 09:24:02
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should add a job trait to where paladin occaisionally shield bashes
Server: Siren
Game: FFXI
user: Quagmire
Posts: 55
By Siren.Quagmire 2012-01-24 09:39:20
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New adjustments for Whm: super cure! Blm: super nukez! Rdm super uhh melee/cast/nuke... Drg: super crack. Sam: more crack... Mnk: sexorz
and etc... for the following jobs that need it. Drk: longer delay time on weapons and a gimping to scythe empy. Pld: we were to tired to give you better cures/spells/weapons/enmity generating tools. Bst: your empy does 1k dmg time to gimp it.
Server: Lakshmi
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user: Smasher
Posts: 874
By Lakshmi.Konvict 2012-01-24 09:53:47
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I'm satisfied with it lol. 380 dmg every 2 min 30 seconds from bash yeahhhh! w
Server: Lakshmi
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user: phafi
Posts: 298
By Lakshmi.Phaffi 2012-01-24 09:53:51
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Odin.Almont said: »
? Why would a cure that generated a set amount of CE @lv.75 return less CE @lv.99? It's not like you're curing less HP. That said, I also haven't been following the PLD boards so I suppose it's as likely as anything else here.

Izilder's trying to give Eyrhika alcohol poisoning!

Cures DID give less enmity as your level gets higher; I am not sure if that continued after lv75. But that's not the whole issue, once a bunch of DDs cap their CE very quickly through damage, the monster just swings at the last person to recap their hate (last person to swing and not miss)before the attack goes off.

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