Question About Casting Time Caps

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Question about casting time caps
Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Seraph.Rof 2011-04-30 03:11:53
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Hi guys ^^

I know there are some topics on this subject but i cant find a clear answer so i started a new one.

We have cure casting time (CCT), healing magic casting time (HMCT) and fast cast.

Is it true that cure casting time and fast cast dont share their caps ? same question with CCT and HMCT.

Thanks ;)
Server: Alexander
Game: FFXI
user: xgalahadx
Posts: 1140
By Alexander.Xgalahadx 2011-04-30 04:09:09
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Server: Seraph
Game: FFXI
Posts: 23
By Seraph.Rof 2011-04-30 06:09:29
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I saw this topic... but noone said the same thing >_>
Only Elysien seems to say that the overall cap is at 50% (so if i understood, it's like to say that merits, fast cast, CCT and HMCT share the 50% cap).

But im still a bit confused cause i see a lot of "precast set" at 55+ %
Server: Asura
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user: Pergatory
Posts: 1361
By Asura.Pergatory 2011-05-02 10:43:44
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Many people say different things because there have been many beliefs spread as fact for many years and it's hard to uproot those beliefs.

Testing this particular question is also very difficult due to client-server latencies. It's impossible to know when a spell actually starts and when it finishes. It goes like this:

1. You hit a macro or cast a spell from the menu. Your client sends a message to the FFXI server saying "I'm casting this."
2. A fraction of a second later, the server receives this message and initiates casting. This is when the spell officially starts. The server sends a message to your client and all players within 30 yalms of you that you have started casting.
3. A fraction of a second later, you and everyone within 30 yalms of you receives the message from the server that you started casting. The delay in this step and the previous one cause the slight delay between when you press your macro and when the spell begins to cast on your screen. The more lag you have, the longer this delay.
4. When the spell finishes, the server sends another message to you and everyone around you that the spell has finished.
5. A fraction of a second later, you and everyone else receive the server message that the cast finished.

Because of those delays between when things actually happen and when you receive the information that they happened, it's impossible to measure small changes in cast time, such as the effect from an item that adds 2% fast cast.

However, my own testing which I posted in that thread has been successful in at least showing that there is no cap at 50%. You can definitely go beyond 50%. No cap has yet been proven. Beyond that, we have only a vague understanding of how fast cast & related stats work.

I just recently hit a wall where my Cure casts were finishing before my <wait 1> processed, and so my potency gear wasn't swapping in time. This means my Cures were casting in less than 1 second, where base time is 2.5 seconds. So that's further proof you can break 50%, since 1 is 40% of 2.5. I ended up tossing the Winged Wand in my satchel for now until I can figure out what to do about that, and it brought my Cures back over the 1 second mark and my potency gear is working again.
Server: Gilgamesh
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user: Tweeek
Posts: 2169
By Gilgamesh.Tweeek 2011-05-02 17:44:54
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I just use everything I can, I don't see the disadvantage because it's just pre-cast.

The only possible disadvantage is that I'm "wasting" merit points by putting 5/5 in cure casting time, other than that I use all fast cast gear I got + AF+2 pants + cure clogs for my cures and just fast cast on all my other stuff for pre-cast.
Server: Cerberus
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user: Eugene
Posts: 6999
By Cerberus.Eugene 2011-05-02 17:57:30
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I actually agree with this. Cast speed is one of the few things (maybe only thing) that is calculated prior to the actual cast. Throwing on full fastcast and refresh during that time can at worst do nothing for you assuming you aren't losing too much off your max mp.
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